History - 3 I's
History has always been held in high regard across our school. The history curriculum makes full use of resources within the immediate and wider local area enabling children to develop a deep understanding of the rich history of their locality. Subject specific concepts are used so that the children are able to attach their knowledge and skills to concepts and these act like collection baskets for knowledge. The concepts have been selected based on the National Curriculum.
Themes are informed by the National Curriculum as well as the context of the local area. The history curriculum is carefully planned and structured to ensure that current learning is linked to previous learning and that the school’s approaches are informed by current pedagogy. Rosenshine’s principles of Instructions are embedded across the school to ensure a consistent and coherent approach to pedagogy. Introducing new material in small steps, ensuring a high success rate and reviewing knowledge on a regular basis is pivotal to the success of using this approach. We intend to use these principles effectively for the benefit our children.
History is taught in blocks throughout the year, so that children achieve depth in their learning. Key knowledge and skills is identified for each theme. Subject concepts provide the coat-hangers for new learning and knowledge, which allow further depth and understanding to be gained. These concepts allow children the opportunity to begin to study knowledge and skills specific to this discipline. Children begin to ‘think like a historian’.
Within our knowledge-rich approach, there is a strong emphasis on people and the community of our local area The end of each topic, ‘the lasting legacy’ allows for children to see the true impact of the era on modern day society. This not only ties the history unit together, highlighting the learning, but also allows the children to have an idea, thought, memory to hold and to move forward with. Furthermore, the children will have an awareness of the impact that the past has had and lessons that have or may not have been learned. This in turn will allow children to understand that their actions and the actions of others, can potentially have great significance on the future.
By the end of year 6, children will have a chronological understanding of British history from the Stone Age through to the present day. They are able to draw comparisons and make connections between different time periods, and their own lives, as well as having a true understanding of the concepts that they have studied their topic through. Interlinked with this are studies of world history, such as the ancient civilisations of Greece and the Mayans.
The local area is also fully utilised to achieve the desired outcomes, with extensive opportunities for learning outside the classroom embedded in practice. Vocabulary, knowledge and opportunities for discussion, debate, questioning are all pivotal in our pursuit to deepen and enrich children’s learning. Outcomes of work are regularly monitored to ensure that they reflect a sound understanding of the key identified knowledge.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in reception to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the academic year. It is in the Early Years that children begin to develop the concept of ‘past’ and begin to be curious about events and people that are relevant to them and the local community. Children begin to use skills and ask questions about the past.
Children at Hempstalls leave as History Champions. Children remember more and for longer. They are able to articulate the knowledge and skills specific to this discipline using disciplinary concepts. Teachers help to facilitate the recording of children’s schemes in this discipline so that they can identify misconceptions and retrieve knowledge that may have been lost over time.
Evidence of this impact has been seen through pupil interviews and dialogue. The children are knowledgeable and are able to use history specific vocabulary. Staff use ‘Pupil Book Studies’ to gain a greater understanding of the schemes that children have created when learning new concepts, knowledge and skills.