Parent Support / Useful Links
Bereavement and Loss
Winston's Wish
Providing bereavement and support to children and families.
The Dove Service
Providing bereavement and loss counselling
Domestic/Relationship Abuse
Support for children, young people and adults who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse to help them live a confident future.
Providing support for males.
New Era
New Era is a domestic abuse service supporting across Staffordshire and Stoke-On-Trent.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Healthier Families
Healthy hints and tips for your family.
Sleep Problems
Tips to get a better night's sleep.
Young Minds are a charity to help support children, young people and parents with mental health.
Mind - Find your local Mind
Mind Mental health charity.
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Wellbeing Service
Providing mental health and wellbeing support
Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide.
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Children and Young People
Guidance on receiving the right support for your child/children.
Combined Wellbeing
North Staffordshire NHS trust for health and wellbeing.
Staffordshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service
Supporting children and young people from 5 to 18 years with their mental health.
5 steps to mental wellbeing - NHS
Try these five steps to improve your mental wellbeing.
Just Family
Wellbeing for children, parents and families.
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare CAMHS Multi-Agency Referral Form
Referral forms for Child and adolescent mental health services.
Suicide Prevention
Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention
Charity to support the prevention of suicide.
Other Useful Resources
Newcastle (Staffs) Foodbank
Providing food bank for local people in Newcastle.
Citizens Advice
Specialised in advising people on difficult situations such as housing, debt and many more.
Staffordshire Family Support and Outreach Service - Family Action
A friendly service helping support families in need.
Children and Young People - Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board
Safeguarding and supporting the welfare of children and young people in Staffordshire.
Alice Charity
Local charity supporting families in need.
Home Start Newcastle-under-Lyme
A charity organisation supporting families in need.
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
Staffordshire Special Educational needs and disability support services
Staffordshire Connects
Staffordshire Connects online directory service is a one-stop-shop for health, care and events in Staffordshire.
Mermaids supports transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse children and young people as well as their families.
Family Lives
Providing a variety of family support services.
Online Parenting Courses
Family Lives offer online parenting courses.
NHS Health and Wellbeing Services
Families Health and Wellbeing 0-19 service
Health Visiting and School Nursing service for Staffordshire