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Newsletters 2022-2023

Please see below for details

  1. main school 21july 2023
    PDF File
  2. eyfs combined 21july 2023
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  3. main school 14july 2023
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  4. eyfs combined 14july 2023
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  5. main school 7july 2023
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  6. eyfs combined 7july 2023
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  7. main school 30june 2023
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  8. eyfsc ombined 30june 2023
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  9. main school 23june 2023
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  10. cubs 10feb 2023
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  11. cubs 11nov 2022
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  12. cubs 13jan 2023
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  13. cubs 14oct 2022
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  14. cubs 16dec 2022
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  15. cubs 16sep 2022
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  16. cubs 17feb 2023
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  17. cubs 18nov 2022
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  18. cubs 20jan 2023
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  19. cubs 21oct 2022
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  20. cubs 23sep 2022
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  21. cubs 2dec 2022
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  22. cubs 30sep 2022
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  23. cubs 3feb 2023
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  24. cubs 4nov 2022
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  25. cubs 6jan 2023
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  26. cubs 7oct 2022
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  27. cubs 7oct 2022
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  28. cubs 9dec 2022
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  29. cubs 9sep 2022
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  30. eyfs combined 10mar 2023
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  31. eyfs combined 12may 2023
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  32. eyfs combined 16june 2023
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  33. eyfs combined 17mar 2023
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  34. eyfs combined 19may 2023
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  35. eyfs combined 21apr 2023
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  36. eyfs combined 23june 2023
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  37. eyfs combined 24mar 2023
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  38. eyfs combined 26may 2023
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  39. eyfs combined 28apr 2023
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  40. eyfs combined 31mar 2023
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  41. eyfs combined 3mar 2023
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  42. eyfs combined 5may 2023
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  43. eyfs combined 9june 2023
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  44. main school 10feb 2023
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  45. main school 10mar 2023
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  46. main school 11nov 2022
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  47. main school 12may 2023
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  48. main school 14oct 2022
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  49. main school 16dec 2022
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  50. main school 16june 2023
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  51. main school 17feb 2023
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  52. main school 17mar 2023
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  53. main school 18nov 2022
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  54. main school 18nov 2022
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  55. main school 19may 2023
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  56. main school 20jan 2023
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  57. main school 21apr 2023
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  58. main school 21oct 2022
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  59. main school 23sep 2022
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  60. main school 24mar 2023
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  61. main school 25nov 2022
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  62. main school 26may 2023
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  63. main school 27jan 2023
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  64. main school 28apr 2023
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  65. main school 2dec 2022
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  66. main school 30sep 2022
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  67. main school 31mar 2023
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  68. main school 3feb 2023
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  69. main school 3mar 2023
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  70. main school 4nov 2022
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  71. main school 5may 2023
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  72. main school 6jan 2023
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  73. main school 9dec 2022
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  74. main school 9june 2023
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  75. main school 9sep 2022
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  76. main school 9sep 2022
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  77. nursery 10feb 2023
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  78. nursery 10oct 2022
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  79. nursery 11nov22
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  80. nursery 13jan 2023
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  81. nursery 16dec 2022
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  82. nursery 17feb 2023
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  83. nursery 17oct 2022
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  84. nursery 18nov 2022
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  85. nursery 20jan 2023
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  86. nursery 25nov 2022
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  87. nursery 27jan 2023
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  88. nursery 2dec 2022
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  89. nursery 3feb 2023
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  90. nursery 3oct 2022
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  91. nursery 6jan 2023
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  92. nursery 9dec 2022
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  93. reception 10feb 2023
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  94. reception 11nov 2022
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  95. reception 13jan 2023
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  96. reception 14oct 2022
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  97. reception 16dec 2022
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  98. reception 16sep 2022
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  99. reception 17feb 2023
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  100. reception 18nov 2022
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  101. reception 23sep 2022
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  102. reception 25nov 2022
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  103. reception 27jan 2023
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  104. reception 29sep 2022
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  105. reception 2dec 2022
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  106. reception 3feb 2023
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  107. reception 6jan 2023
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  108. reception 7oct 2022
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HempstallsPrimary School
Contact Us
Mrs Shutt: 01782 950082Hempstalls Primary Schooloffice@hempstalls.staffs.sch.ukCollard Ave, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle ST5 9LH
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust